Monday, November 30, 2009

10 truths about me.....

Okay, my sister in law tagged me to 10 facts about myself instead of always writing about the kids. So here ya go Nicole....

1. I love being a mom! It's hard and sometimes I feel like running away to another planet but I would not change this job for any other in the world.

2. I am not easily embarrassed! I love to talk to strangers, act silly, and laugh at myself!

3. I believe that every Mom needs MOPS! I love mops and what it stands for. It has really changed my life and I love serving at Mops. Even in the crazy 2 years that I was doing 2 groups. I only quit one because Jared made me!

4. I am terrible at entertaining myself. I get really bored really easily and I need to be entertained. I rarely sit at home. This has gotten worse since Jared left.

5. I have never been more proud of my husband than I am right now! He has made a huge sacrifice for our family. He has worked so hard, and has been so successful! I love him so very much!!

6. I am addicted to bejeweled blitz on facebook. I play everyday even if I already have the highest score of all my friends!

7. I love to be creative. I like to sew, scrapbook, bake, etc. I'm not so great at coming up with the ideas for things but I like to execute them.

8. I am actually really excited to move to someplace new. I have no fear of where we will go. I haven't really said this much because I don't want to upset anyone, but I really am excited about it.

9. I really want to go on a family vacation. We have been on exactly "0" since the kids were born.

10. I would love to get involved with a community theater, I really miss acting. Maybe when the kids are older......

Well not very exciting or shocking but there it is.

I tag/ challenge Heidi Paulsen to do this next!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Yummy Pies

I had a great time hanging out with some of my MOPS friends on Friday. We had a mom's pie making night!! I made a pumpkin pie and an apple pie. I learned how to make a pie crust from scratch, which I had never done. *some pictures courtesy of Heidi!

Logan is so creative!!

We had a project to do for Logan's class. We got a paper turkey to decorate. You see Tom Turkey needed a disguise to hide from the farmer so he wouldn't get eaten. Logan knew exactly what he wanted and what it should look like. He searched for just the right materials he needed and I only helped a little. This is his scarecrow turkey hiding in the tall corn field! Pretty cute, huh?!

Logan's classroom

The girls and I got to go to Logan's school a few weeks ago. The kids had just gone to the pumpkin patch and we had to do all sorts of things with their pumpkins. We checked if they would float in water, how tall they were, how much they weighed, color a pumpkin pattern, and count the ridges on our pumpkin. It was fun and Savannah was able to do most of the work with Logan.


Here are a few costume pics from Halloween.