Thursday, March 3, 2011


So it's been forever since I have blogged! So much to catch up on...... I'll try my best to fill you all in but things may get a little out of order.


Jared is working for a cell tower company out of Sacramento now. He is still serving in the National Guard and drilling one weekend a month. His unit is scheduled to deploy at the end of this year. We have no details and things could change before then but we are preparing as if it will happen.

Logan is doing really well at school. We recently had him moved to another classroom because we had some issues with his other teacher. He is already so much happier and more confindent! Right now he is going to after school rehearsals to sing the National Anthem with a group of kids from his school at the Stockton Thunder hockey game at the end of this month.

Logan and Savannah signed up to play baseball this year. They are on the same rookie, coach pitch, team. Practice starts on Monday after school. The team is being sponsored by Jared's National Guard unit! :)

Savannah is a great student. She loves to learn and is very confident. She is so proud of all the work she does at school and can't wait to show it off and tell me all about it. She is very popular and friends with everyone, which gets her into a little trouble in class for talking. Savannah is also considering signing up for cheer leading. It would start at the end of July. I'll keep you posted on that.

Charlotte is really starting to talk! Our old pediatrician recommended sending her to be evaluated for speech and hearing. But they wanted to send us to Fresno, on a weekday, where they did not allow any siblings to go and Wyatt was only a few weeks old. We have since changed doctors and I am going to see what he has to say now. We are also starting to work on potty training.

Wyatt is growing so fast. I can hardly believe that he is almost 4 months old already. He is such a sweet boy. He loves to be held which makes my days a little more challenging, but I'm trying to enjoy every second. He is really starting to smile a lot and grasp toys. He is very alert and likes to watch his brother and sisters play.

I am keeping very busy with all the kids things going on and Jared being out of town Monday-Friday. I am excited for baseball to start and I hope the kids love the game as much as I do! I recently received my invitation to my 10 year high school reunion. Wow, it doesn't feel like it's been that long. There are a few people I am really excited to see.

We will be moving to a new rental house hopefully next month. It is located just down the street from the kids school which will make my life so much easier. Right now it takes about 20 minutes to get the kids to school! The kids will get to be involved in so much more. The house has a swimming pool and the kids are so excited about that!

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