Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wyatt Dean Richardson

On November 16th, 2010 at 2 am I woke up and found that my water had broken. It was just a small leak and I have never had my water break at home before.... I shook Jared and said, "Babe, wake up. I think my water broke!" Jared then half asleep turned to me and said, "You think?! What does that mean?" I was not amused at the time but it's kinda funny now. Contarctions started within minutes of standing up and getting in the shower. We called the sitter to come over since the kids were sleeping and headed to the hospital. I was at a 4 when we got there...... and after many hours of labor I had not progressed. Once I got my epidural in my blood pressure dropped to a very scray range and Wyatts heart rate shot up and would not come down. When my doctor came in a said c-section I broke down. I was so upset and I cried!!! This was definately not my plan! The c section was less than fun and I honestly don't believe anyone can really be prepared for that! But Wyatt Dean Richardson came into this world..... and he was a perfect 7lbs 2oz 18 1/2 inches.
I was scheduled to have a tubal the next day but since we ended up in c section they did it then and my Dr. alerted us to his finding a cyst on one of my ovaries. He said it was very large and he was going to have to remove the entire ovary instead of just the cyst. Jared and I just said okay and we stared across the room at Wyatt being weighed and measured. We found out a few weeks later that what he thought was a cyst was actually a tumor! Thankfully it was benign but it does help me feel a lot better about the c section. It was not my plan but God showed me very clearly that his plan is always for the best.
While I was brought into recovery and sleeping off the meds Jared and my parents got to spend some time with Wyatt. Then just as I was getting ready to leave recovery and go to my room Wyatt was struggling and they had to bring him to the NICU. I pleaded to go see him first and they took me, bed and all to the NICU to see him. Wyatt struggled with low blood sugar for his first 2 days and had an infection. He spent 1 week in the NICU being treated with antibiotics.
Wyatt made it home from the hospital just in time to celebrate Thanksgiving with us!

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